About GT Wulf
GT Wulf provides professional services that will save you time and energy. We always arrive at the time(s) we promise and go about our businesses in taking care of your needs. Our goal is to keep you and ourselves safe at all times.
Who We Are
Ryan Mueller, Owner
Our History
In June 2011, Ryan Mueller started GT Wulf as a quality pet waste clean-up and removal service. The business opened first to the Southside in the Corpus Christi area and has since expanded to Flour Bluff.
In the summer of 2012, GT Wulf started selling, maintaining, and installing pet waste stations and dog waste bags in Corpus Christi, TX. In the spring of 2013, GT Wulf started selling pet waste stations and pet waste bags online for all cities, homeowner associations and property owners to use for control dog waste pollution. In the fall of 2013, our new store feature was added along with quality dog agility equipment and other park amenities. In the start of 2020, GT Wulf retired the Mustang GT GT Wulf is still locally owned and operated in Corpus Christi. |
How did the name come about?
Our name came about from how we started servicing to who we service.
GT Wulf's name and logo is broken up into:
GT Wulf's name and logo is broken up into:
- "GT" which came from the first vehicle, 2002 Mustang GT, used to pickup and remove dog waste. Still can be seen in service today.
- "Wulf" is a variation of wolf which is the ancestor of all domestic dog breeds that are loved today. The reason behind the U (Wulf) instead of the O (wolf) is because our service is provided for U and your pets.
- Yellow color is the color of the 2002 Mustang GT; also seen on the bandana and the original logo the paw print.